Die Welt der Armani-Gastronomie begann 1998 mit der Eröffnung des Restaurants in Paris, dem ersten von mehr als 20 Restaurants, die Giorgio Armani weltweit eröffnete. Von Mailand bis Tokio, von München bis Dubai - die Armani-Restaurants entwickeln sich ständig weiter und sind heute auf vier Kontinenten vertreten.
„Ich wollte schon immer, dass die Marke Armani ein Ausdruck von Stil als Lebensstil wird, von raffinierter Einfachheit als Zeichen von Eleganz in jedem Bereich, und das Essen, das eines der wichtigsten Elemente des täglichen Lebens ist, durfte dabei nicht fehlen.“
Entdecken Sie, wie kulinarische Traditionen, innovative Techniken und feine Aromen durch die geschickten Hände unserer Köche zusammenkommen.
A cuisine linked to our memories and identity. Italian excellences always take centre stage in our dishes, as we want to offer our customers a unique journey through Italy’s cooking culture. It feels like a round trip around Italy without getting on a plane.
I'm a chef from Naples who fell madly in love with Japanese cuisine. I was used to seeing cuisine through the eyes of Italian food culture, but when I first discovered Japan's culinary traditions and preparation techniques, everything changed. I was impressed by their elegant simplicity, precision and attention to detail. I suddenly chose to combine all these elements with my values and heritage, making them fundamentals in my cooking style. Now I marry Italian ingredients with Japanese know-how and viceversa.
My cooking combines Italy’s rich culinary heritage with international inspirations. I cook what I like to eat and, since my tastes are simple, mine cannot be defined as an intellectual cuisine. I start from traditional recipes, but I elevate them through a minimalist presentation and an unpredictable balance of complementary textures and flavours.
At Armani/Ristorante Dubai, food is all about mixing cultures and ingredients from both Italy and UAE: I want to honor my roots and celebrate my new home, while promoting a sustainable cuisine. You'll find this culinary philosophy in each of our dishes, but it can be more evident in some signatures. An example is our iconic Green planet risotto, which features a flavourful 10-herb pesto, Sicilian red prawns marinated in olive oil, lemon zest and flowers sourced from local Dubai farms.
A fundamental part of my approach is fostering strong connections with suppliers throughout Japan. By visiting farms and immersing myself in the careful craftsmanship behind the ingredients, I ensure each dish conveys a story deeply rooted in authenticity and respect for its origins.
The salty beach air with the intense taste of fresh vegetables and vibrant colors are essential memories for me. Throughout the years, they mixed with techniques and ingredients from all around Italy and foreign countries. This is how I came up with my Mediterranean cooking style - an easy and exciting, flavor-rich cuisine that is evolving day by day.